Modern Slavery
Act Statement
This statement sets out the steps taken by Summit Foods Ltd (“Company”) to understand and address all potential Modern Slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no Slavery or Human Trafficking in its own business and its supply chains. As part of the FMCG industry, the organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to Slavery and Human Trafficking.
The Company is absolutely committed to preventing Slavery and Human Trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from Slavery and Human Trafficking.
Organisational Structure
Summit Foods Ltd operates in some of the largest food markets around the world and works with a diverse global supply chain, Summit Foods Ltd is a key provider of a range of prepared convenience foods from its site in Bamber Bridge.
Summit Foods Ltd operates from within the UK. It supplies retail, foodservice and manufacturing customers her in the UK and aboard.
Supply Chains
We analyse the supply chain for all key products into Summit Foods Ltd. The areas where the higher risk within the supply chain was identified, a number of key suppliers within the category were asked to complete a report detailing their sustainability best practices. These practices (and their results) are currently being reviewed and the next steps determined.
Overall responsibility for the organisations anti-slavery initiatives lies with the Managing Directors. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for the creation of this Statement and for ensuring that training of internal staff is carried out.
Online training provided by Stronger2gether has continued to be completed during 2019. In addition, all members of the UK purchasing team have completed the tackling Modern Slavery in Business, which looks at Modern Slavery, Corruption, fraud and sustainable procurement.
Summit Foods Ltd Purpose Statement details its commitment to Social and Environmental responsibilities. A main factor within this is to ensure that we promote and maintain a sustainable supply chain while ensuring that we act responsibly. In addition, we have Recruiter
Compliance document which has been reviewed to ensure that we are satisfied that we are sufficient to address the issues surrounding modern Slavery & Human Trafficking.
The Company is committed to raising awareness of the issues surrounding Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and has taken steps to ensure that posters are displayed prominently on all notice boards. Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking has been added to the Company induction, to ensure that all new starters to the business are made aware of this important subject and their individual responsibilities.
Summit Foods Ltd understands that exposure to Modern Slavery could be present within the use of its temporary labour. As part of our supplier audit process, the Company audits its temporary labour suppliers on an annual basis to ensure compliance with Modern Slavery laws and has committed to auditing its temporary labour on a yearly basis to monitor further the risks of Modern Slavery. In addition, as recommended by Stronger2gether, we have introduced a temporary worker questionnaire which enables us to confidentially monitor temporary workers experience at Summit Foods Ltd and where necessary take any relevant action.
This statement covers the financial year 1st March 2020 to 29th Feb 2024 and has been approved by our Managing Director.
Andrew Hayes
Managing Director
Abbeydale Food Group/Summit Foods